Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

An LMS is short for Learning Management System. It is a software that allows you to automate, manage, and capture the learning, or training, with your organization.

Learning Management System (LMS) advantages include the ability to capture compliance training, reduce the amount of time and effort to managing organizational-wide learning, reduce skills gaps with to a better way to distribute and encourage a learning culture, and increase visibility to learning effectiveness to optimize programs.

Employees often learn from each other, and a majority of learning in an organization is informal learning – or learning in the flow of work. It’s important to encourage and capture organization-wide collaboration for increased productivity, social learning, and cross-team communication. 

A modern learning software should encourage collaborative learning – the ability to follow and share colleague updates, join communities, discuss projects and learning, and share appreciation and knowledge across multiple teams. As employee expectation and required skills shift, it’s important to capture informal learning, and drive increased adoption of a common learning system with modern capabilities.

We do not offer free trials. If you purchase and decide within 30 days that LearnDash isn’t going to be the right fit for your project, you are eligible for reimbursement per our refund policy.

All we ask is that if you do encounter a roadblock that you reach out to our support team so that we can provide assistance ?.

All customers receive access to start-up guides, documentation, community forums, and help desk via the LearnDash Support site. Please see our Support Policy for additional details.

We offer 24/5 support primarily via forums and email, which we have found to be the most efficient means for both our customers and our support staff.

An LMS is short for Learning Management System. It is a software that allows you to automate, manage, and capture the learning, or training, with your organization.

Learning Management System (LMS) advantages include the ability to capture compliance training, reduce the amount of time and effort to managing organizational-wide learning, reduce skills gaps with to a better way to distribute and encourage a learning culture, and increase visibility to learning effectiveness to optimize programs.

Employees often learn from each other, and a majority of learning in an organization is informal learning – or learning in the flow of work. It’s important to encourage and capture organization-wide collaboration for increased productivity, social learning, and cross-team communication. 

A modern learning software should encourage collaborative learning – the ability to follow and share colleague updates, join communities, discuss projects and learning, and share appreciation and knowledge across multiple teams. As employee expectation and required skills shift, it’s important to capture informal learning, and drive increased adoption of a common learning system with modern capabilities.

We do not offer free trials. If you purchase and decide within 30 days that LearnDash isn’t going to be the right fit for your project, you are eligible for reimbursement per our refund policy.

All we ask is that if you do encounter a roadblock that you reach out to our support team so that we can provide assistance ?.

All customers receive access to start-up guides, documentation, community forums, and help desk via the LearnDash Support site. Please see our Support Policy for additional details.

We offer 24/5 support primarily via forums and email, which we have found to be the most efficient means for both our customers and our support staff.

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Валя Денкова

Родена през 1976 г. в град Шумен. Завършва Средно специално художествено училище в гр. Трявна, специалност „Реставрация на художествена мебел“ през 1995 г. Дипломира се в Стопанска академия „Димитър Ценов“ в гр. Свищов през 2000 г. като „Икономист-мениджър“. От 2020 г. е счетоводител в НГПИ „Тревненска школа“.

Марина Николова

Родена през 1983 г. в град Трявна. Завършила през  2001г.специалност ”Технолог на храната” в ”Техникум по ресторантьорство и хотелиерство”. От 2024 г. се присъединява към екипа на НГПИ „Тревненска школа“,като домакин-снабдител.


Марина Николова домакин-снабдител